Saturday, March 1, 2008


“On the first contact the bones of the girl seem to become disjointed with a disorderly crunch like the sound of a box of dominoes, and her skin broke out into a pale sweat and her eyes filled with tears as her whole body exhaled a lugubrious lament and a vague smell of mud. But she bore the impact with a firmness of character and a bravery that were admirable. José Arcadio felt himself lifted up into the air toward a state of seraphic inspiration, where his heart burst forth with an outpouring of tender obscenities that entered the girl through her ears and came out of her mouth translated into her language.”
以上這段肉緊激情兼夾充滿色香味的文字出自馬爾克斯(G. G. Márquez,或譯馬奎斯)的名作百年孤寂》。讀過這本書的讀者都知道情慾在這本書中的重要性,不過,如果你讀的是敦煌文藝出版社高長榮譯的版本的話,那麼你便沒機會看到這段文字了。在高長榮的譯本中,這整段文字都沒有出現,內容一跳便跳到下一段(台灣志文出版社楊耐冬的譯本有完整保留這段)。我不知道高長榮譯本依據的是甚麼版本,也不知道他是因為甚麼原因刪去了這段文字,但這樣的處理方法始終令人遺憾,起碼古代的潔本小說也有一句「以下刪去XX字」吧。
高譯本第二章的開始是這樣的:「十六世紀,海盜弗蘭西斯˙德拉克圍攻列奧阿察的時候……」。由於我第一次讀的是企鵝的英譯本,今次看到這裏時心中覺得有點不妥,於是便找出英譯本來比對一下。英文版原來只多了一個字:“When the pirate Sir Francis Drake attacked Riohacha in the sixteenth century…”
這個究竟是阿Sir還是海盜呢?只要在Wikipedia一查便可發現原來Sir Francis Drake可大有來頭,他是英國航海家、英國艦隊的名將(協助擊敗the Spanish Armada),更是第一個從海上環繞地球一周的英國人,是一個真真正正的爵士;但他同時也參與人口買賣,並以殘酷的手段對付敵人以至平民,西班牙人一直視他為海盜、大壞人。被略去的「Sir」字原來包含了不簡單的意義呢。