Tuesday, March 14, 2017


Let me hazard a definition of what this kind of bookshop should be like. It must be run by a person pf humour, learning, and curiosity, to whom nothing in book form is alien. It should be kept in a permanent state of apparent chaos—always too many books for the shelf space, always piles and boxes of new-bought lots awaiting inspection Above all, it must be catholic in its offerings, because ...its prime function for your writers is to help them realize their tastes.—John Fowles(是小說家那個嗎?)


一個有文化的城市必須有一家有性格的書店,早聽說冰島人喜愛文學,雖然人口只有三十多萬,但她早已擁有一位諾貝爾文學獎作家(Halldox Laxness, 1955)。冰島人有一句話:"ad ganga med bok I maganum", everyone gives birth to a book,所以每十個冰島中便有一個作家。我在紐約時報看過一篇文章,介紹冰島反對黨Pirate Party領袖Birgitta Jonsdottir,她自稱是Poetican,出版的詩集就叫Poetican。我在雷克雅維克問了三家書店都找不到這本書,又是另一個可惜。


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